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Do you dream of moving to the country?

About 10 years ago, that was our dream, too. Now it's our reality!

We lived in a city of over a million people and even though we liked our
neighbours, they were really, really close. The city kept growing, the air was getting worse and so was traffic. The noise from the trains and the emergency vehicles every day was driving us crazy! The tiny yard was enough to grow a bit of a garden but not much more. 

Late one summer, Troy and I were on our annual camping trip. We would load up the vehicle with our camping gear and pets (yep, the cats came, too!) and head out to the bush. As we're both self-employed, it was tough to get away for more than a couple of days but it was so incredible to be able to relax in the serenity of nature and feel the stress of city living drift away on a soothing breeze while we listened to the sound of the nearby creek.

Sitting around the campfire one night, one of us said, 'wouldn't it be amazing if we could just live like this all the time?'

That was the turning point for us!

We realized that we could make the move if we wanted to and boy, we wanted to. It was going to take some work, though, and we didn't even know where to begin.

Cue the start of the adventure.

I opened up a brand new notebook and listed everything we wanted for our life. Absolutely everything we could each think of. Once we figured out what was important to us, we started looking for property that would fit those goals. It had to meet certain criteria, like still being close enough to our Moms and clients to visit easily.

After the occasional wrong turn, we found the it. The property has everything we want and we could afford it. It had nothing on it except for trees and a creek but Troy is handy and we've both worked to build our dream from the ground up.

We have now built a wonderful, soul-satisfying little farm where we raise goats, rabbits and chickens and we have a huge garden. The community we've joined has been welcoming and generous and our neighbours are close (and wonderful) but not too close. 

So many people have told us that we are living their dream. Then they say they just don't see a way to make it happen. We are here to help with that.

Because of those comments, I've put together a little workbook based on our own journey. You can use it to dream your own dream and figure out how to make it your reality.

Moving to the Country. 
A workbook for creating your best life.

Take your dream of moving to the country and make it real. 

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